🌲Joy Journey day 31 of 90🌲

Last evening I saw the cutest thing - an evergreen tree, very tall, which seemed to have two mini evergreens growing out of the top. Later, I was envisioning the tree I drew near the middle of the drawing - thinking of its Dr. Seuss potential, especially if it were portrayed in unexpected colors - red or pink with a lighter green?

Then, this morning, "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" came into my mind. How joyful the Whos in Whoville were, even with most of their material items taken away. (And yet, they greatly appreciated these items when they were returned.) If I recall correctly, they didn't waste anytime thinking about or being upset about the Grinch at all. And his heart grew three sizes that day.

And my adult mind realized today that this is an "enlightenment story."

I want to say the other person is the Grinch, but too often, I am ... and this children's story is a great example of what a Joy Journey can lead to.

Peace and happiness to all today.

#joy #creativejourney #creativity #whimsical #sketch #drseussinspired #artfromimagination #imaginaryscene #adkcreates #adirondackartist #illustration #notebookart #leuchtturm1917 #notebooksketch #lineart #penandink #staedtler #pigmentliner #joyjourney #positive #positiveenergy #peace #peaceful #daytime #nighttime


🧙Joy Journey day 32 of 90🧙


🌕Joy Journey day 29 of 90🌕