🌞Joy Journey day 7 of 90🌞

And things are going well. This morning, I realized I want to focus on certain things for the rest of this 90 day journey, including converting some of my notebook sketches (whimsical landscapes) into completed artworks.

And yesterday, I got so involved in cutting some speedy-carve blocks for block printing that I almost couldn't stop. So I think I'll focus on block printing for a while, too! And some other things.

Mostly today, I want to wish everyone a peaceful, love-filled Sunday.

#joy #creativejourney #creativity #whimsical #inspiration #sketch #motivation #artfromimagination #imaginaryscene #adkcreates #adirondackartist #imaginarylandscape #outdoorscene #illustration #notebookart #notebookdrawing #leuchtturm1917 #motivation #notebooksketch #visualjournal #lineart #penandink #staedtler #pigmentliner #mycreativejourney #progress #joyjourney #whimsy #magical


🐱Joy Journey day 8 of 90🐱


🌲Joy Journey day 6 of 90🌲