⛅Joy Journey day 10 of 90⛅
Leaning a bit toward minimal in the sketch today. Yesterday was busy - need to be mindful of not falling into "human doing" mode!
Things are going well - am feeling so much better. But at this point, I think if I stopped doing my morning and evening routines, things would slip back into the previous, not so great, state pretty quickly.
#joy #creativejourney #creativity #whimsical #inspiration #sketch #motivation #artfromimagination #imaginaryscene #adkcreates #adirondackartist #imaginarylandscape #outdoorscene #illustration #notebookart #notebookdrawing #leuchtturm1917 #notebooksketch #visualjournal #lineart #penandink #staedtler #pigmentliner #mycreativejourney #progress #joyjourney #whimsy #art