🐌Joy Journey day 11 of 90🐌
A lot of flowers and a house on a hill. The second page shows part of my "Joy Journey" Journal with a sticker created by my talented and fun friend, @erindorney 😍 to the lower left.
Some cool synchronicities yesterday evening ... one might be skeptical of such things, until they keep happening beyond probability. That's all I'm sayin'.
#joy #creativejourney #creativity #whimsical #inspiration #sketch #motivation #artfromimagination #imaginaryscene #adkcreates #adirondackartist #imaginarylandscape #outdoorscene #illustration #notebookart #notebookdrawing #leuchtturm1917 #notebooksketch #lineart #penandink #staedtler #pigmentliner #mycreativejourney #joyjourney #whimsy #art #creativefriends #stickerfun #snail