🛸Joy Journey day 12 of 90🛸
A scene through a tree ... this one turned out to be slightly ominous instead of joyful, I think. Lesson learned!
A good time to say that Joy cannot be forced. It's more like leaving a space to become aware of it. And this means acceptance of what is. I was feeling sad and even crying a little while drawing this, and that's OK. Better to do that than to pretend to be happy when one is not.
I just noticed in the (online) newspaper that the winter carnival theme this year is apparently "Creepy". Not my thing! But probably a lot of people's, and perhaps that goes along with what I wrote in the previous paragraph.
Happy September and happy day to all.
#joy #creativejourney #creativity #whimsical #inspiration #sketch #motivation #artfromimagination #imaginaryscene #adkcreates #adirondackartist #imaginarylandscape #illustration #notebookart#leuchtturm1917 #notebooksketch #lineart #penandink #staedtler #pigmentliner #mycreativejourney #joyjourney #whimsy #lessonslearned #alien #spacecraft #fungi #mushrooms